You are about to self-publish a book. Someone recommended getting an ISBN because it will make your book look more professional.
Now you are on the search for an ISBN agency.
Luckily, you’ve found a US-based one—Bowker. You hurried to their website to buy an ISBN. But suddenly you are stuck on a decision. There are four options on Bowker’s website. Which one should you choose?
“How can this one cost $125?”—you wonder looking at the cost of a single ISBN. There’s a more economical option—10 ISBNs for $295. But what’s the point of buying 10 ISBNs when you are just publishing a single book, right? What would you do with all the extra ISBNs?
Confusing, huh?
I can see your frustrations. But you are not alone. Many authors have been in this situation—clueless, confused, and uncertain. This is also a frequently discussed topic in the self-publishing community.
To clear up your confusion I have researched this topic extensively. Today, I’m going to share what I have learned along the way.
First thing first. Before you make any decision let’s figure out how many ISBNs you need, actually.
Now it should be clear whether you should buy one, ten, or a hundred ISBNs. I would recommend buying more than what you need. You have written one book. Assuming you love writing, there’s a possibility that you will write another soon. Keep those extra ISBNs for later.

Money-saving tip: Don't buy the ISBN barcodes from Bowker. You can create the barcode for free by following this guide.
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